Stories of HopeMore Than Words Can Say

Posted on: Jun 29, 2017

The Lois Hole Hospital for Women is a centre of medical excellence with a special focus on high-risk pregnancy, labour, and delivery. High-risk pregnancy means there may be potential for early birth or a health risk to the baby.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. For women who come to the Lois Hole Hospital for Women to receive care during pregnancy loss, the quiet image of a water droplet gently falling into a clear pool of water says everything it needs to on behalf of its holder.  Simply handed to the clerk at the registration desk, or the caregiver upon her arrival, the card lets the caregiver know that this visit to the hospital is one of sadness and loss -- loss of the baby this woman is carrying.  

It's a card, say caregivers, that provides quiet acknowledgement, understanding, and empathy, as opposed to the constant request for the retelling of a sad and sorrowful outcome, an unintended result of simply following the process required to register a patient.  Now, when she is asked, "Why are you here today?" her answer is provided when she hands over the small card with the image of a gently falling water droplet.

"The cards are intended to provide patients and families with a tool to give to the team as they present themselves to the care units. They will inform healthcare providers that the patient is here to receive care related to the loss of a baby. It will prevent potentially awkward and insensitive situations and ensure that patients, who arrive here under very difficult circumstances, receive the highest level of compassion."

Click here to learn more about The Lois Hole Hospital for Women