Nominate Someone Amazing Today

Say Thank You with a Nomination Today

Amazing at the Alex gives you the opportunity to honour someone who made a meaningful difference in your life while at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. 

Maybe it was a caregiver such as a physician or nurse. 

Perhaps it was one of our cheerful and helpful support staff in housekeeping or patient transport. 

Maybe it was someone who took the time to help you find your way on the campus.


No matter what the situation, it’s important to each and every one of us that your experience while here is the best it can possibly be. When patients or their family members recognize this commitment through a donation back to our hospital, it is incredibly motivating to all of us.

Your donation in honour of someone who is Amazing at the Alex serves to support the Patient and Provider Experience Office at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. The Patient and Provider Experience Office is dedicated to the focus on the importance of empathy, understanding, and communication in healthcare and to improving the experience for our providers, both staff and physicians, as their role is essential to improving the care our patients and families receive.  

Your donation shows your tremendous gratitude and helps us grow and become even better. Your Amazing at the Alex nominee will receive an acknowledgement of your gratitude - you can even include a special personal thank you message - as well as a unique lapel pin to wear proudly throughout the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

When making your donation, please select Amazing at the Alex from the Gift Designation dropdown menu.

Please note: Donations made via our website must meet the minimum online gift level of $5.