Our Hospital, Our StoriesOne Note, One Song, One Life at a Time
Posted on: Dec 07, 2018"I thought I was just coming for a cheque presentation," began John Cameron as he was asked to take the microphone at this afternoon's gratitude reception held in his honour.

Today the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation said thank you in a big way through an afternoon celebration of John Cameron and the John Cameron Changing Lives Foundation.
A cheque presentation was made for $220,000 in support of the soon to open Addiction and Mental Health Access 24|7 clinic at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
"I'm here today because of you," John said to his parents. "Dad, you built an amazing construction company that I have had the pleasure of running and Mom, you taught me to always look for the good in others. What you both did has allowed me to do what I am doing with my foundation, so first and foremost I thank you."
It was through John's vision and his Changing Lives Foundation that the Crescendo concert to raise awareness and funds in support of mental health initiatives in Edmonton was born.
Through story and song, the Crescendo concert ignites passion in the Edmonton community and includes stories from prominent community members about how mental illness has touched their lives.
"John, through the creation of Crescendo and by sharing your personal struggle with mental illness you are helping to remove the stigma around mental health," shared Andrew Otway, President, and CEO of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation. "By raising your voice, you have lifted others. I commend you and I thank you."
John and his foundation were thanked by many at the afternoon event. David Shepherd, MLA for Edmonton-Centre, Dr. Verna Yiu, President and CEO of Alberta Health Services and Mark Korthius, President and CEO of the Mental Health Foundation.
John's work and the work of his foundation does not stop today. With Crescendo 2019 already scheduled for May, and the upcoming Singing Christmas Tree, they march on.
Since 2009 the Singing Christmas Tree, with John at the helm, has given $650,000 back to the community. This year's event will continue on that philanthropic path with the proceeds being allocated to the Addiction and Mental Health Access 24|7 clinic.
The Singing Christmas Tree is Edmonton’s most inspiring and charitable Christmas event of the year. Every December, the Singing Christmas Tree raises funds in support of the John Cameron Changing Lives Foundation. This meaningful event has become a means of enriching and changing lives for people of all ages and walks of life in the Capital Region. Not only does the Singing Christmas Tree spread the cheer of the holiday season, but they are also changing the community for the better.
If you haven't purchased a ticket yet there's still time. Don't miss your chance to witness this talent-studded evening with dancing Santas, ballerinas, Christmas classics, and most impressively – a 35-foot singing Christmas tree of 150 choir members. Get your tickets here today!
The Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation wishes to thank John, and the John Cameron Changing Lives Foundation for all that you do through one note, one song, one dollar at a time. You are truly making a difference helping to save one life at a time.