Stories of HopeNew Child-Friendly COVID-19 Book Educates Kids and Supports Families

Posted on: Dec 21, 2020

Dr. Stephanie Liu recently wrote, "Georgie Shark and COVID-19" to explain the pandemic to children. Now, Dr. Liu and a friend, Dr. Malhotra, have donated 200 copies of the book to the Lois Hole Hospital.

Not long ago, local family physician Dr. Stephanie Liu wrote a children’s book called, "Georgie Shark and COVID-19." 

The book's goal is to help children better understand the pandemic, such as why they can't see their grandparents as much, have to wear masks, or why they have to wash their hands so frequently. 

CTV News covered the inspiring story in an article you can read here.

Dr. Liu was first inspired to write the book to help her three-year-old daughter, and named it for her one-and-a-half-year-old son, George.

The book has more benefits beyond crucial education—with each book sale (using the code LHHWS) Dr. Liu will donate $2 to the Lois Hole Hospital for Women!

Now, along with friend and fellow doctor Dr. Neel Malhotra, Dr. Liu has donated 200 copies of “Georgie Shark and COVID-19” to families at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women.

Via social media, Dr. Liu stated, “A little over a year ago I had my son George and from the day he was born, I remember being so excited for all of our friends and family to meet and hold him. With COVID, it is an incredibly challenging time for new parents especially being so isolated from family and friends.”

In her words, “Sharing the story of Georgie Shark with your children is a great way to explain COVID-19 and that by working together, we can overcome this difficult time.”

Thank you Dr. Liu and Dr. Malhotra for helping not just our children, but also our families!

Show your support and purchase a copy of Georgie Shark here

For more info, see Dr. Liu's blog, Life of Dr. Mom.