Stories of HopeGrowing Women's Health campaign supports a seventh operating room at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women
Posted on: Oct 01, 2018This year, funds from the annual SHOPPERS. LOVE. YOU. Growing Women's Health campaign will go directly towards helping women like Amanda.

Amanda Twidale first became a mother six years ago with the birth of her son Grady. Soon after, at her six-week postpartum appointment, her doctor discovered some abnormal cells. Luckily, the Lois Hole Hospital for Women was there for Amanda.
The specialized care and surgical treatment that Amanda received at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women would not have been possible without the support from campaigns like Growing Women's Health. The technology that aided in her treatment ensured that Amanda is now cancer free and a mother of not one, but two growing boys.
This year, 100% of proceeds from the Growing Women's Health campaign at select Edmonton Shoppers Drug Mart locations will go toward the completion of an additional operating room at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women.
More than 6,000 surgical procedures occur annually at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women. There are currently six, fully-equipped operating theatres in the hospital (including the da Vinci theatre) handling vital gynecology work including general, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, urogynecology and cancer surgery, as well as the emergency and planned caesarean section deliveries that take place daily.
The additional operating space that Shoppers Drug Mart is helping us to achieve will simultaneously provide for the establishment of a day surgery procedure room – where less complex procedures that often do not require general anesthetic will take place. The benefit of this day surgery procedure room is two-fold: to enhance capacity for surgeries and caesarean sections improving efficiencies throughout the surgical area, and to help support and enhance the patient experience and quality patient care.
From Saturday, October 6 - Friday, November 2, 2018, visit any of the Shoppers Drug Mart locations listed below to donate:
Thank you Shoppers Drug Mart and to all of you who support the Growing Women's Health campaign each year. Your continued support of the Lois Hole Hospital for Women is truly saving lives.