Stories of HopeDonor Spotlight - A Story of Antepartum and Postpartum Anxiety

Posted on: May 16, 2017

When Teresa Bolinski, COO of Sweet {Jolie} – an Edmonton based women’s clothing boutique – began the journey of motherhood she was filled with anxiety and fear like so many other women. She has shared her story to help empower other women to do the same.

For Teresa Bolinski the beginning of May this year has been a lot about reflecting back to just over 9 years ago when she became a new mother. The company she works for – Sweet {Jolie}, a primarily online-based women’s clothing boutique based out of Edmonton, believes in starting conversations on issues that affect women and their families in order to help support and empower the women in their community. 

Part of Sweet {Jolie}'s corporate philosophy is to aim to help empower women to feel their very best everyday. Their website shares the sentiments that "it’s amazing how the right sweater can lift your shoulders a little higher, or the cutest boots can put a confident swagger into your step." However, beyond their day-to-day operations of outfitting women in the most flattering clothing and accessories to boost their self-image Teresa and the team at Sweet {Jolie} asked themselves – "What else can we do to support the women in our community?"

It’s amazing how the right sweater can lift your shoulders a little higher, or the cutest boots can put a confident swagger into your step, but we couldn't help but wonder what else can we do to support the women in our community?~ Sweet {Jolie}

From this sentiment a {love} project was born. The team took a look at the city in which they operate and noted that there are many non-profit organizations and charities that do amazing work and don't receive enough support or have as much awareness as they deserve. In an effort to help as many local organizations as possible they decided to help a different group each month! 

Sweet {Jolie} has decided that for the Month of May the Lois Hole Hospital for Women is their organization of choice. After reading a number of stories on our website that detail the initiatives the hospital has started to research impacts on reproductive mental health and how to better assist women from an emotional and mental standpoint, as well as a physical one, the choice was evident. 

Teresa and her daughter Sara, age 9, today.

Teresa personally knows all to well that mental health needs to be a focus and she applauds the efforts of the Lois Hole Hospital for Women.

Here is her story:


It was difficult to feel positive in an environment where I felt the stress levels were incredibly high 24/7.  Regular bloodwork, monitoring and ultrasounds resulted in constant review of numbers and statistics. I couldn’t help but obsess over the numbers like medical staff do. It made me more anxious and scared than I had ever been in my life.  What if my baby died? How would I go on? Did I bring all this anguish upon myself for wanting to be a mother? 

Read Teresa's full story here. 

To show your support for the life-changing work being done at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women please consider making a purchase from Sweet {Jolie}. A portion of the proceeds from May sales will support the Reproductive Mental Health program at the hospital. 

Thank you Sweet {Jolie} for choosing the Lois Hole Hospital for Women. Your contributions will mean so much to so many.