Stories With HeartDancing Strong

Posted on: Sep 29, 2016

I was dancing at a family wedding and I began to feel very tired. I was shocked when my doctor told me I had four blockages in my heart.

I love to dance, and I’m proud to say I can outlast people half my age on the dance floor. Three years ago I was dancing at a family wedding and began to feel very tired after only a few minutes. I thought I was just having a bad day, but that was just the beginning. My health began to get worse over the next few months and then one day, I just couldn't function and had to call an ambulance. I was shocked when my doctor told me I had four blockages in my heart, ranging from 100% to 50%. In other words, my heart was operating at only one quarter capacity!

Thanks to the doctors at the CK Hui Heart Centre, I had stents installed to clear the worst blockages. I realized what a close call I had, and decided to make some serious changes to save my life. Along with my wonderful wife, I eat better now, I get more exercise, and we enjoy life a lot more. 

"I’m very glad that the people at the CK Hui Heart Centre are educating people in the South Asian community about good heart health." 

Dharam Dabgotra

Everyone needs to take care of themselves, but people in my community are at much greater risk for heart problems. So I hope everyone will start to lead much healthier lives.

To learn more about our multicultural heart health program, click here