Our Hospital, Our StoriesA Letter from Dr. Ken Stewart, Facility Medical Director of the RAH

Posted on: Dec 16, 2020

Heading into the holiday season, Royal Alexandra Hospital Facility Medical Director Dr. Ken Stewart expresses his wishes for everyone to stay safe and healthy, and to ask for your support as we continue our battle with COVID-19.

Our fight against COVID isn't taking a holiday break.

Dear friends,

The Royal Alex has been my medical home for more than 27 years now. As I reflect on the year that has just gone by, my heart is heavy, and my concern is real as me and my colleagues resolve to continuously find a better way to deliver care to our patients and their families who love them.

The COVID-19 virus has changed the way hospitals like the Royal Alexandra function on a day-to-day basis, and I know there will be lasting consequences for all of us that work here.

The need for increased safety measures, supplies, and change in our day-to-day practices also means we require an increase in support from donors like you to continue the high level of care that we provide each and every day.

Some dollars will go to the purchase of needed equipment, and some will help with the operation of much-needed programs that have been essential to maintaining the unique place of caring that our Hospital represents. This critical support provides us with an opportunity to deliver care in new and innovative ways that we never thought possible before the Pandemic.

With news of an effective vaccine on the horizon giving us optimism of a return to a more normal way of life, I must remind you that our Hospital provided needed care to many thousands of Albertans from every corner of the province over these past nine months. Shortcomings in operational budgets and considerable challenges to staff morale will have a long-lasting impact to all aspects of activity at our Acute Care facility. Your contribution at this time could really make a difference.


At this time, perhaps more than any other over our storied history, a gift to the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation will truly benefit care for people from so many geographic areas, one person at a time, with the greatest of respect for the individual. As we all review our priorities for the upcoming year and consider making charitable donations to worthy recipients, I’d like to gently remind you of the central role our Hospital plays in so very many realms of healthcare provision for Edmonton and surrounding areas. 

Thank you in advance to all of you who choose to support the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation this holiday season. Please know that you continue to play a critical role in the Hospital’s ability to provide the best care during this most crucial time in our history. If you've recently made a donation or have already sent in your gift to us this holiday season, thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity.


Dr. Ken Stewart, M.D., FRCSC
Facility Medical Director, Royal Alexandra Hospital