CLARUS 700 Ultra-Wide Imaging Camera

Eye Institute of Alberta 2021

  • Diagnostic Imaging
  • Technology

With the arrival of the CLARUS 700, we recognize…

  • One-of-a-kind ultra-wide imaging capabilities in Alberta
  • 50% increase in retinal appointments (estimated)
  • 16 Lions Clubs across Alberta who fundraised for the tool

The Challenge

Unseen Issues for the Eye Health of Albertans

Prior to 2020, Albertans requiring diagnosis and treatments for complex eye-related health issues only had two options: rely on out-dated procedures that were less accurate and more uncomfortable, or drive to Calgary. Up until recently, Calgary was the only city in Alberta with technology advanced enough to create a precise, high-resolution image required to capture the size and location of, for example, a cancerous eye tumor. This limitation was a particular burden for those living in rural areas in northern Alberta, and for those who did not have the time or resources to travel within the province.

The Solution

Bringing Advanced Diagnostic Technology to the Eye Institute of Alberta

The CLARUS 700 is a vision- and life-saving state-of-the-art camera that promises ease and comfort for many patients. It produces extremely clear, sharp, high-resolution pictures in true colour, enabling physicians to detect subtle changes of the retina, including tumors, retinal tears, other diseases, and infections. And with this camera, the eye does not usually need to be dilated, meaning patients experience less of the stress or discomfort of the past, and many are even able to drive themselves home following an appointment.

“The Lions Clubs have a historic involvement in ‘sight.’ Helen Keller [a famously blind American author and activist] herself presented at a Lions Club Convention challenging them to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness"—so the partnership with the Eye Institute of Alberta was a natural fit.”
Neil Gourley
representing the Lions Clubs of Alberta

The Impact

A Roaring Success for Doctors and Patients Alike

The new camera is expected to allow clinicians at the Eye Institute of Alberta to see up to 50% more patients per day for the diagnosis and treatment of retinal conditions, from 20 per day up to 30 (based on pre-COVID numbers).

On top of these improved capabilities, having this powerful diagnostic tool in Edmonton also spells the removal of certain logistical complexities—there is no need to arrange for a ride home post-appointment, or to spend the time to journey further south for Calgary’s CLARUS 500.


A massive thank you to the many Lions Clubs of Alberta who banded together and fundraised more than roughly $80,000 to bring the CLARUS 700 to the Eye Institute of Alberta at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, the Mannville Elks Club, as well as the Lions Club International Foundation for generously contributed the other $80,000 needed to make this dream a reality. The Royal Alexandra Foundation is extremely grateful to these groups, and proud of a relationship that dates all the way back to 2003 when several clubs from northern Alberta established the Lions Eye Research Fund (LERF) to support eye health at our hospital. 

A special thank you goes out to Camrose Swans & Roses Lions Club, Chipman Lions Club, Edmonton Chinese Lions Club, Edmonton Jolly Fellows Lions Club, Edmonton Millwoods Lions Club, Edmonton Strathcona Lions Club, Grande Prairie Lions Club, Legal Lions Club, Lions Club of Beaverlodge, Lions Club of Leduc, Lions of Alberta Foundation, South Edmonton Lions Club, Sylvan Lake Lions Club, Thorhild Lions Club, and the Vermilion Lions Club for championing this project.