Bridge Healing

Breaking the Cycle of Houselessness for Our Emergency Department Patients


Each year more than 26,000 individuals experiencing houselessness visit Alberta’s Emergency Rooms.

And how many of these people are housed after these visits? Zero.

This unmet need for care results in a number of serious issues. For patients, it means extremely poor outcomes and an enormous loss of dignity and respect. For the healthcare system, it demoralizes physicians, and carries a hefty financial cost.

"There's a lot of moral distress among healthcare providers having to discharge someone into houselessness. It's the worst feeling for doctors and nurses and social workers to say to a person, 'That's all we can do. And you're basically on your own.'” - Dr. Louis Francescutti, a Royal Alexandra Hospital emergency physician, University of Alberta School of Public Health professor, and one of the core team members leading the program.

On top of this, the current cost per year of treating one patient experiencing homelessness is approximately $115,000—43% higher than a typical patient.

The cycle of discharging patients into houselessness needs to be broken, and the process must be fixed. A bridge is needed.


Bridge Healing – ASAMINA KOCHI (to try again) - provides emergency department (ED) patients experiencing houselessness with transitional housing as well as integrated health and social support.

This unmet need for a home to heal in results in a number of serious issues. For patients, it means extremely poor outcomes and an enormous loss of dignity and respect. For the healthcare system, it demoralizes physicians, and carries a hefty financial cost.


The mission of Bridge Healing is to anticipate and meet the needs of people experiencing houselessness and interacting with hospital care by providing immediate transitional housing and services in order to enable independent integration into society in a meaningful way. 

Bridge Healing’s vision is to serve the needs of patients accessing the emergency department, or other hospital services, who are experiencing houselessness in a caring, respectful, and effective manner. 

Depending on their needs, they could stay for 30-60 days, where the JPWC would work with them to find affordable permanent housing, as well as health support, social support, short-term work opportunities, and other supports to help them get ready to move onward.

Ultimately, Bridge Healing strives to achieve the goal of having no hospital patient discharged into houselessness. Bridging the healthcare system and social supports facilitates the healing journey of patients experiencing houselessness and reduces costly readmissions to emergency departments.


The work is underway, Bridge Healing has opened its doors, but the need for a significant amount of additional housing units in the City of Edmonton remains. 

In order to reach the program’s goal of no longer discharging any ED patients into houselessness we must drastically increase the number of these units available. 

Acting as fiduciary partner, the RAHF has set an initial goal to raise one third, a goal of $10 million, to contribute to the total cost of the project to build and open two additional 12-unit homes to be operated by the Jasper Place Wellness Centre (JPWC).


Fortunately, the efforts of the team leading the Bridge Healing program, largely made up of social workers, emergency physicians, and compassionate community members, have proved fruitful:

In May of 2023, the City of Edmonton agreed to fund one year of the pilot, supplying $290,000 to cover operational costs.

This has provided the first three Bridge Healing House Units that are currently in operation. 

Your support is needed more than ever. We must open an additional two buildings as quickly as possible in order to meet the demand of the number of patients who need access to this life-changing program. 

According to a recent city report, the number of people experiencing homelessness in Edmonton has doubled since 2020…and is expected to increase further. The current 36 units are almost always full and there are up to 40 patients per day coming through the Royal Alex Emergency Room alone who need your help.

Will you show your support today?